NFP: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Involvement: Since 2006
Policies and Institutions
The main migration policy instruments in Morocco:
Non-exhaustive list of key policy documents in the area of migration:
- 1956/1971: ratification of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol.
- 1993: Ratification of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families of 1990.
- 2003: Law No. 02-03 of 11 November 2003 on the entry and residence of foreigners in the Kingdom of Morocco, irregular emigration and immigration.
2011: ratification of the 2000 Protocols on Trafficking in Human Beings and Smuggling of Migrants Protocol.
- 2013: the New Immigration and Asylum Policy (NPIA).
- 2014: the Framework Agreement on the Partnership between the Office for Vocational Training and Promotion of Labor (OFPPT) and the Deputy Minister in charge of Moroccans Residing Abroad and Migration Affairs.
- 2016: Law No. 27-14 of 25 August 2016 on combating trafficking in human beings.
- 2016: National Strategic Plan on Health and Immigration (PSNSI) 2018-2021.
- 2018: the Penal Code, consolidated version of 5 July 2018 (provisions on combating trafficking in human beings and smuggling of migrants).
The main ministries in charge of migration affairs in Morocco:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI): is the focal point for international cooperation on migration and refugee issues (the Moroccan Refugee and Stateless Office is under the supervision of the MAECI)
MAECI Deputy Ministry for Moroccans residing abroad and Migration Affairs: is in charge of relations with the Moroccan diaspora and accompanying the return of Moroccans from abroad.
Ministry of the Interior: is in charge of border management, immigration / emigration and assisted voluntary return of migrants.
Ministry of Justice: is in charge of the procedures for the acquisition of Moroccan nationality.
Last updated: December 2018